Countdown to Our Next Event
Tuesday Nights with Aunty Ginger
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Upcoming Events
For over thirty years New York New York bar has been the beating heart of Manchester's Gay Village. Known for its hands-in-the-air nights with music that you can't help but sing along to, outrageous drag queens and, of course, a welcoming atmosphere - the venue has earned its nickname, The Party Palace.
Every week we welcome thousands of party goers through the door, providing a safe place for the LGBT+ community and their allies. The club has raised countless thousands for charity with special themed nights and charity events.
Owned and operated by Tracey Walsh, who was recently recognised in The Queen's New Year's Honours List with a British Empire Medal for services to charity, the venue prides itself on providing a place that allows you to be whoever you want to be.
Our main room is open from 8pm every night with a resident DJ from Wednesday through to Sunday.
From The Owner
Our Last 7 Days in Numbers
- 4024people served
- 1342songs played
- 1086money raised for charity
- 4parties hosted
- 34drinks spilled
- 3relationships started
- 486shots given
- 432tracks requested
- 578vodkas sinked
- 134gins guzzled
- 399pints poured
- 9612shapes thrown (questionable)
- 28prosecco poured
- 9999times Roxy said "Ho Ho"
- 231wine glasses slurped
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